Wednesday 31 March 2010

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When we started with the preliminary I didn’t know much about how to use camera and the software used to edit the footage. But the preliminary helped me get the feel of how to use the camera properly and to learn more about the editing software, I was able then to add labels and music to the film to make it more professional. As well as learning this it helped me to understand why different shots were used and the best place to use them.

Before the preliminary I didn’t understand the 180 degree rule and didn’t see the point of it but during this period I understood the reason why it is used.

This diagram shows the 180 degree rule in use. When filming the preliminary and the final product we didn’t break the rule because of the research. I realized that the 180 degree rule has a huge role in the making of a film because if its broken then it could possibly confuse the audience.

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