Tuesday 30 March 2010

6. What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing the product?

The first thing I learnt to do was to create a blog using blogger.com. I had never set up a blog before and everything on the website was new to me but I soon got the hang of it.

I then learnt how to use the camera and set it up with the tripod. The camera was easy to use once I knew how to use it to the best of its capability. We all took turns in filming but when I was using it I found it exciting.

Another thing I learnt to do was to use the editing software on the Apple Mac. The programme used was Final Cut Pro, which I learnt to use and this was used to capture and edit our film. This was used to make sure that our film has continuity and to add titles and credits to the film.

A further piece of software used was Soundcloud Pro, this was used to get music and sound effects for the film so it looks more professional to the audience.

I used Youtube to upload the preliminary and the actual film so that it can attract a wider audience. Facebook was also used to create a group so that users of the social networking site can watch the film and can allow them to leave feedback.

I think with the experience I have using these technologies I would be capable of making another project.

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