Tuesday 30 March 2010

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

From the start our group decided to aim the production at the age range of 15 year olds up to 35 year old males. As we had a torture scene in mind we thought that this would stereotypically be aimed towards males within this age range, this has helped us create our film.

On our blogs we had a poll in place for people to answer questions about our synopsis and our script, the questions were aimed towards our target audience of teenagers and males ages up to 35, the questions were about our synopsis and the script. We had positive feedback from people that read them and we also spoke to some people and our teacher about it and this has helped us to make the film believable and made sure that our target audience would be interested in the final product.

Before filming we showed our idea to our friends, who are also in the market segment that is targeted and they were interested and were even asking to be in it!

Phil approached two of his friends who do drama about the roles and they were happy to be in it, they also improvised and helped us adapt the script to make it seem more realistic.

As our film will be rated a 15 this means that only people who are this age and above will able to view our film, adults over 35 will be interested but the film isn’t specifically targeted above this age.

I believe males will be more interested about seeing the film as they would be able to go cinema with their mates to see it, although some girls are interested in this particular genre of film they are not going to rush to the cinema with their friends to see it.

Our film is based on the films such as taken and American psycho, despite them being different sorts of thrillers they are within the same genre. The synopsis that I wrote for the film was written after I read the synopsis of both American Psycho and Taken, I thought it would be good to try and mix the two together as these are two of my favourite thrillers that I have seen.

5. How would you attract/address your audience?

As the targeted audience are males ages between 15 and 35 then adverts in men’s magazines such as Nuts, Zoo and FHM will captivate the audience that our product is aimed towards, as these magazines are stereotypically consumed by our target audience. The customer of these magazines may also be able to read reviews about the film, hopefully they would be good but if not then a different magazine may have a different opinion.

Trailers can be shown during intervals in football matches and sports news programmes as these are watched by a high majority of males. Although expensive, television advertising is the most effective advertising as it gives the audience the chance to see and hear what the film is about. Our target audience may not be interested in sport but some might be interested in teen dramas such as Skins, these programmes can be targeted for advertising as these will be watched by the audience that the film is aimed at.

Billboards are also another method of advertising, buses can be used for posters, this is a good method as the target audience will be using buses most days as they have to travel to school, college or work. So wherever they go they will see the advertisement for the film.

Internet and social networking sites such as Facebook have become an increasingly popular method of advertising movies. Facebook has millions of users across the globe and many of our target audience will have an account put to regular use. Users of the social networking sites will be able to click on links which will take them to a site that will show a trailer where people can comment. This takes me to Youtube, videos can be posted on here for the world to see and it’s free. This is a quick, cheap and easy way to advertise as uploading videos is free. And they don’t take long to upload.

Viral marketing is the most crucial advertising method to have as once people have seen the film then its important that they enjoy it so they can tell their friends and family who will be interested in seeing it as they will trust their opinion more than any company that try to advertise it.

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